Version 4.03 06.03.2021
- Fixed form validation when using edge values (e.g 1000 doughballs)
- Fixed a bug related to how room temperature impacts dough hydration
- Fixed notification bar overlaying the main navigation in mobile
Version 4.0 22.01.2021
New user interface
Easy and fast calculation on every device, tuned to give a native mobile app experience.
More pizza styles
Select from 7 most popular styles with predefined calculations for dough hydration and ingredients.
Updated form options
Select yeast type - fresh, dry and active. Choose most popular flour brands to calculate optimal hydration level. Set leaveling temperature to affect on yeast amount and hydration level. Include dough residue compensation factor.
Calculate doughball weight
Calculate doughball weight by pizza size (round and rectangular) combined with pizza thinckness (thin, regular, thick).
Metric/imperial system
Set a desired weight (grams or ounces), size (inches or centimeters) and temperature measeure system for your calculations.
Recipe sharing
Share calculated recipe to other applications on you mobile device - Facebook, Twitter, Messenger, Whatsup, email and other. You can even embedd a recipe on your webpage.
Save and load a recipe
Save your recipe for later use. At this time there is only one slot available for your recipes.
Use different flour brands
Choose most popular flour brands to calculate optimal hydration level.
Version 3.4 22.10.2015
- Added new share buttons on left side (Desktop) and on bottom (mobile)
- Changing pizza diameter in simple mode did not always work
Version 3.2 08.01.2015
- Last used dough parameters are now remembered in a cookie for 90 days. Each time you make a pizza you can check previous recipe and you do not have to care about closing your browser to remember it.
- There is a possibility to reset to defaults after the dough parameters were modified (in advanced mode).
- All number fields have a step parameter - activated when user is increasing/decreasing values using fields arrows (desktop browsers support required).
Version 3.1 07.10.2014
- Added hints to the dough parameters form,
- Facebook profile and like/share buttons.
Version 3.0 19.09.2014
- Translate into english,
- New address (seperate internet domain),
- Added WAI-ARIA HTML elements,
- Added main title image,
- Fixed ingredients icons,
- Handling decimal fractions for input values,
- Code cleanup.
Version 2.2 08-09-2014
- Fixed bug with olive parameter showing in simple mode,
- Added dough dividing tip (testing).
Version 2.1 04-01-2014
Added doughball weight in pizza diameter dropdown menu. -
Version 2.0 22-07-2014
- Added pizza style option,
- Added simple and advanced mode,
- Added favicon.
Version 1.0 12-07-2014
- Simple pizza dough calculator with only 2 options for neapolitan style pizza,
- Showing pizza ingredients in grid with icons,
- RWD ready for use in smartphones.